In order to practice energy and sound therapy, it is very important to develop sensitivity, awareness and intuition. Basic knowledge and different techniques will help to visualize the subtle spaces and to better understand them.
Sound Therapy
As a sound therapist, you can use the subtle vibrations of the Tibetan bowls to break up the patient’s blocked physical, emotional or mental patterns so that the energy can flow freely again.
With the exercises in the manual, you can try out some of these effects on yourself and learn how to apply the various techniques in a treatment for others.
Manual Sound Therapy – Part I
The first part deals with how the vibration of the singing bowls affects the body without touching it.
- The physics of sound and harmonic vibrations
- Different techniques for playing the Tibetan bowls
- Personal path with the singing bowls
- Arrangement of group meditations
- Individual treatments without physical contact
- Techniques for balancing the chakras
Manual Sound Therapy – Part II
The second part shows how to intensify a treatment through direct contact of the singing bowls with the body.
- Positions for placing the Tibetan bowls on the body
- Sound and rhythm in treatments
- Designing a whole body treatment
- Differences in the treatment of the physical and energetic body
- Massage techniques
- Sacred geometry
The Japanese technique of Reiki provides an alternative healing method and helps to develop spirituality and feel more inner peace.
Manual Reiki Degree I
& introduction to the human energy system
Emotional, physical and chronic complaints can be treated through regular Reiki applications. Reiki can also support other forms of therapy.
- History & Philosophy
- Energy & chakra system
- Initiation
- Hand positions
- Reiki techniques level I
- Performing a Reiki treatment yourself and on other people
Manual Reiki Degree II
& deepening the energy system and its emotional meaning
The second Reiki level gives you the opportunity to work as a therapist. You will learn all the skills you need to perform direct and Distance Reiki treatments.
- Initiation and cleansing process
- Reiki symbols and their application
- Distance Reiki (overcoming time and space)
- Reiki techniques level II (e.g. cleansing rooms and objects)
- Energy analysis (emotional meaning of the chakras)
- Deepening the chakra system (the hara line)
These manuals and instructions contain information and treatment patterns to develop your healing abilities. They do not replace Reiki initiations, as these are transmitted in person or via Distance Reiki from a Reiki Master.